TA:CO Chants

A Brief Synopsis of ALL the Chants

There are two TA:CO chants. The words are easy. You can do it.

Hey TA:CO!

To the tune of Hey Mickey by Toni Basil (1981):

Hey TA:CO you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind.

Hey TA:CO! (clap 3x) Hey TA:CO! (clap 3x)

  • “Hey TA:CO” was started during Fancy TA:CO parties as a joke. We have a member named Mickey and it was funny.
  • The chant became really useful for finding other TA:CO in the stadium or in line outside Providence Park.
  • It became essential when trying to gather all the fancy dressed people together for a group photo during derby. If you are dressed to impress and hear this chant on the Clink concourse, sing along but go find the group because it’s a gathering call and you’re late.
  • One year (2016?) we were late exiting The Wave from Fancy TA:CO to get in line across the street at the Clink. By the time we showed up all the buses were unloaded and hundreds of Timbers Army were gathered at the gates. They saw 50+ TA:CO members marching up in tuxedos and ballgowns (looking fantastic) and decided to sing us our song as we joined (at this point we only had one song). We handed out free choco tacos and it was perfect.


To the tune of a playing card stuck in a bicycle wheel. From the Sesame Street Martians (1972).


  • TA:CO likes to yell this chant during corners, freekicks, penalties, or pretty much anytime we hope something good is about to happen.
  • Shouty started it and Raven leads it, but it required the whole group to keep this chant alive. No one is to blame for this.


  • Pretty much the opposite of YIP. Chanted when the opposing team has a set piece or whenever we don’t like what’s going on.
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