Acronyms and Phrases Dictionary
Acronyms SAAB Sober as a Bird – A Matt Wastro LEGEND https://wheniroot.com/2021/08/11/sober-as-a-bird-saab/ FAFFC Fancy as Fuck Football Club – Extended from the original phrase “Fancy as Fuck” during derby days…
Acronyms SAAB Sober as a Bird – A Matt Wastro LEGEND https://wheniroot.com/2021/08/11/sober-as-a-bird-saab/ FAFFC Fancy as Fuck Football Club – Extended from the original phrase “Fancy as Fuck” during derby days…
The short version (because no one really remembers the story fully) Derby day in Seattle on July 14th 2014 happened to follow the World Cup Final between Germany and Argentina….